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Embracing the Unexpected: A Tale of Adventure, Connection, and Whale Sharks

Michael Creed • Mar 27, 2024

I hope you see this with a heart open to the unknown and a spirit ready for spontaneous adventures. Today, I want to share a story that perfectly encapsulates the magic that unfolds when we dare to say "yes" to the unexpected. While I didn’t get permission to share this, I was inspired by it, so I had to share. And, I know the person who inspired this is about inspiring others, so she’s not going to care! If you know her, you’ll know what I mean. I, of course, had to change the names for privacy and only give a summary to keep it on point. 

Imagine planning a dream trip to swim with whale sharks, only to have it canceled at the last minute. Disappointing, right? This is precisely what happened to two friends who found themselves in a bind, several tequilas deep, the night before their big adventure was supposed to happen. But in a wild turn of events, their disappointment soon made way towards an unforgettable journey, all thanks to a simple pivot and the courage to embrace the unknown.

Enter A, an Uber driver with a heart of gold and a knack for solving problems. With just a bit of "whining" (a problem-solving technique we can all relate to), our friends were offered a ride to La Paz by A and his wife, N. Taking a leap of faith in a foreign land, they accepted a ride from these kind-hearted strangers, setting the stage for an adventure of a lifetime.

Their journey through the desert to La Paz was filled with laughter, stories, and the kind of camaraderie that makes you feel like you've been friends forever. Despite a language barrier, my friends managed to shimmy into wetsuits and dive into the waters to meet the majestic whale sharks up close. The experience was nothing short of awe-inspiring, reminding them of the sheer wonder our world has to offer.

But the adventure didn't stop there. A and N introduced my friends to the local culture, from dive bars with 40 oz Micheladas to breathtaking sunsets at Tecolote Beach, each moment more memorable than the last. They even learned a bit of Spanish along the way, albeit the "dirty words" as the original story goes. 

This journey was a testament to the incredible experiences that await us when we choose to say "yes" to the unexpected. It was a reminder that sometimes, the best adventures are the ones we never planned for, but rather the ones that find us when we're open to new possibilities.

So, friends, let this story inspire you to embrace the unknown with open arms. Say "yes" to new experiences, take chances, and let the magic of adventure lead the way. Who knows what incredible journeys await you?

Here's to the unexpected adventures that lie ahead! Be the some! 👊🏼

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